More Questions…Some Answers

For those of you followers out there in Blogland, you may be aware that I still have some questions for my husband regarding his infidelity. I apologize in advance for the long post. I’m just too damn lazy to split it up in more than one post!

Yesterday morning started like normal, but my phone decided to mess with my mind. Usually, when J gets to work, he texts me, usually with a lovely IM. Yesterday, my phone didn’t show his most recent message but the very beginning of his messages, dating back to October 14, 2013. My Dday. His Dday. The day he broke my heart.

So, what did I do? I read all his messages since then! There are probably 2,000+ What did that do to my head? It kicked it. It put it in a vise. Thank you, Samsung, for messing with a fragile ego.

Anyway, an hour+ later — yeah, that long…I wrote him back and got out of bed and started my day.

My day was spent in the past and the present. I can’t really plan the future. No, not there, yet. Are you? Can you see your future yet, YaYa Sisters?

After dinner, he was washing dishes and made a comment about something, but started with “I don’t know if you said it or I heard it from someone else, but…blahdeblahdeblah…” I replied, “No, you didn’t hear it from me, must have been someone else.”

Well, that didn’t go over so well with J! He turned around and asked if I was implying that he heard it from K [aka Evil Bitch]? I shrugged my shoulders and didn’t answer. He said, “At least be honest and admit it.” I replied, “Well, I don’t know what you talk about with her during the day, so who knows?”

We settled on the couch later and he mentioned my comment earlier and asked why I wasn’t being honest? This started a session of questions and some answers…He opened the door (more like window), right?

I’m trying to remember everything that I asked and his “answers” but I’m having a hard time.

I stated that I don’t understand why EB remains at her job. If I was in her shoes, I would have moved on and found another job. Out of respect of me and our marriage, that’s what she should do. [On a private side note, I know HE’S not going to change jobs. It’s a good job. He’s the manager. He does love his job. He’s made that perfectly clear.]

[You are all going to love his reply…wait for it…wait for it…] He said that he doesn’t understand my thinking. Why would she want to leave? Why should she respect me?

You’d be proud. I didn’t lose my shit. Actually, scratch that. You are probably all disappointed! I knew that if I lost my composure, I wouldn’t get any answers.

I said that since he’s clearly not leaving his job, the decent thing to do is for her to leave it. It doesn’t pay that great. She really doesn’t need the money [I’ve seen her B posts – lake house, boat, motorcycle, two grown boys out of school and just bought a beach house in Florida – yet, he doesn’t seem to know this much about her and I didn’t divulge the details]. He disagreed and said I was wrong. He said that the job is 3 minutes from her home and super convenient. Why would she leave that?

So, I explained my earlier reply that I’m still scared. I don’t know what their relationship is like now and what they talk about. I have never met her, never spoke to her so all I have his “word” and it’s hard for me to believe him because he lied to me for so long.

He replied that their conversations were innocuous and nothing to even remember. [I believe that now]. I challenged him and asked if she’s flirtatious and/or makes any comments that would indicate her interest in him. He said, “No, she doesn’t at all. It’s as if she looks at their past as a ‘fling’ and nothing more.” I then said that it doesn’t make sense. No woman would remain at a job if she didn’t still have feelings. He disagreed. Said that she doesn’t and neither does he.

He said that he’s being honest. And he doesn’t understand why I keep bringing up the past. However, if it helps me, he will answer my questions. I nodded. I said that it’s hard for me still. But, I see that he’s back, he’s the man I married. Last year, he was not. He was different, angry and mean at times. I don’t think he liked my comment. [What else is new?]

He said that we weren’t getting along at all last year. We argued (which we did, but only a few times). He asked if I remembered the email I sent him? I said that I did and I also remember he never acknowledged it. The email was the result of one of our arguments. I apologized but also called out his shitty behavior. He never acknowledged it and I was too proud to mention it again. That has been our issue, we never knew how to fight and then resolve our differences. We would skirt around them, say hurtful things, I’d apologize first (always), and then act like nothing was the matter. He went on to say we were not getting along. I didn’t agree. I thought we were. [Afterall, he was texting/sexting me at the same damn time as he was sexting his work whore]. Yes, our sex life sucked last year. I was suffering from a back injury, went through physical therapy, then started with a personal trainer. I was rebounding. The summer was okay. He was not. He was still short tempered, working later, going in earlier, working Saturdays and some Sundays. Yeah, he was a fucking saint!

What really shocked me was his view of our relationship last year. He thought we were on the out! I asked him if he was seriously thinking our marriage was in trouble. He did! Wow, I guess I was in another marriage! I was in love with my husband and thought we were in a rut. We started doing some things together. I remember going on a hike with him in a near by park (pretty famous in our area…very historical…with an old revolutionary town that is in ruins to explore, etc.) That was September 29th. I remember he was texting as we were stuck in traffic. There was a beerfest going on, hence the traffic. He said it was a guy from work and then other friends. I never thought otherwise. We enjoyed our day. My back was on the mend and I was getting stronger. I took a lot of photos of the views, ruins, etc. It was fun. The night before, we went out on a dinner date, just the two of us. I had just booked our anniversary trip up to Lake Placid. Anyway, you see…I thought we were doing better. Along this same timeline, he was still sexting her. They hadn’t decided to call it off at this point, a week before our anniversary.

Sorry for the digression…but, it really gobsmacked me (love being able to use the word “gobsmacked”) that he thought our marriage wouldn’t survive. Wow, I just had a moment. One of those damn Oprah A-huh Moments. Did he start his affair as a way out of our marriage? Wow. How dense can I be? You see, I have to find the root cause of everything. I’m a problem solver. There HAS to be an explanation for everything! I suppose I’m not very religious. I will always be a cynic. I will always question everything. WHY AM I SO FUCKING STUPID ABOUT MY OWN LIFE? GRRR!

I questioned further. I asked him if he thought of his life divorced? He said he did! I asked if his father’s inheritance was a justification for his thinking? Meaning, was he planning on taking the money and running? I couldn’t give a shit about the money. But, we have two men children to educate. The youngest just started last week. I make more money than he does. Probably part of his issues, but not mine. It’s ours, it’s for our family. He said he didn’t. That he was going to give me all the money because the boys would live with me. (Wow, thanks for thinking of us, dear…very THOUGHTFUL of you!). He said that he is still very uncomfortable speaking with me during our work day. He can “hear how depressed” I am in my voice. That made me stop and think he doesn’t really get my pain. I’m not just depressed. My heart is broken. What a fuckhead! Seriously? You motherfucker! I cheated on you 14 years ago. You went through this! And yet I’m just “depressed”? FUCK YOU! Again, I kept my cool. I knew if I lost it, this window would close. 

It was at this point I told him about my Bad Dreams (see earlier post). I said that I never thought of divorce. I couldn’t imagine our lives separate. We said some more things, back and forth. We kept our heads. My heart broke a little more. We hugged. I softly called him an idiot. 

We went to bed last night feeling just okay. I was still processing and replaying everything he said. Aligning it to my mental timeline. Reeling in the revelation that he really thought we wouldn’t survive last year. 

Today is a better day. We woke up in the best way possible – with a lovely morning delight. 

No, I can’t think of a tomorrow just yet. I can only think of today and replay yesterday, over and over in my head, searching for answers.

33 thoughts on “More Questions…Some Answers

  1. You need to get an iPhone LOL!!

    Seriously, I’m pleased you and this conversation, I don’t know if you asked all the questions you had, but I’m pleased you took that open door and ran thru it. Well done for managing to stay calm throughout too. You’re right… they hate confrontation. They get all defensive and clam up, I guess I would too if I’d been such an asshole!!

    My husband has said pretty much the same thing… that he wasn’t happy, that he thought we could be headed towards spiltsville and like you I had no clue! I do wonder if my husband told himself those things to give himself the justification to cheat. Much easier to cheat of you’ve convinced yourself your marriage is heading towards divorce I would guess.

    I’m surprised your husband doesn’t get the broken heartedness of all this especially as he’s been in your shoes, but maybe men are different. I know my heart broke the night I read those messages between my husband and the whore. I think reading them actually brought me out of the depression I was in. I think realizing that I wasn’t crazy, that he had been cheating on me, made the previous 18 months make sense.

    Glad today has been a better day for you. Hope you have a great weekend too!!


    • I just don’t think he processes pain the same way. I remember when I was having my affair, how easy it was for me to compartmentalize my life. My family, my husband went in one box and my affair went in another. I guess he’s still in the compartmentalizing mode. I have more to write about what went down on Saturday – ooooooh boy…

    • Joan, I really don’t think that is possible!!!! He’s told me why, written it in a letter months ago. Men’s egos are so damn fragile. And my husband’s ego hit the low patch last year. Honestly, if they are so sensitive, the one lesson learned is OPEN YOUR DAMN MOUTH AND TALK TO ME! sheesh…men!

  2. My husband worked with his whore for over a year after he ended the affair. He said she acted like she was okay with ending it and acted as if it never happened. She did try various subtle tricks like dressing up, wearing make up, and weirdest of all she changed her hairstyle to MINE. He ignored all of these things because he wanted to believe it was over and he wanted to believe SHE believed it was over. She (apparently) got sick of waiting for him to resume the affair and thankfully, she left. That’s when she unleashed holy hell on us. That’s when he was FINALLY able to see her for who she really was. It took months of “no contact” for him to really begin to think clearly. Once her influence was completely removed from his life, he could begin to think for himself and see things the way they were. We finally were able to be on the same page regarding where our relationship was and where it had been. I have read and come to believe through my experience, that an affair is never completely over until there is continued and sustained no contact. The emotional fog casts a wide shadow and screws up their memory and their thinking.

    I wish with all my heart that EB gets sick of work and leaves. You certainly deserve that. But women like her take great pleasure in the misery of the women they help destroy. They enjoy our suffering. They think we “deserve” it somehow for not giving in to what they feel is their “right”. This may not be a popular opinion, but I think your husband should look for other work. For me, it would be irrelevant how much he makes, what his job title is, or how much he loves his job. HE chose to “shit where he sleeps”. He ruined this, not you. He owes it to you to put a final end to this. As long as she works there, it will always make you wonder if she is talking to him, or worse. You play, you pay. I hope that doesn’t come out sounding incredibly harsh. I just know how hard WE work as betrayed spouses to love them and forgive them. I have a whole NEW set of boundaries in my OWN life. They are there to protect ME and it feels great!

    • Thanks, grace — I hope she shrivels up and dies, seriously. I know I’m not being very Christian and I’m really a jealous bitch, but I don’t trust her. Therefore, I can’t trust my husband in that situation. Wait for my next post xo

  3. I just have to add something. I know I don’t know you and your husband personally, but it seems to me that two spouses are rarely so far apart in their assessment of their marriage. Most of us acknowledge that there were things going on, such as job loss, new babies, moves, financial pressure, etc. that created stress in the marriage. The fact that you and your husband seem to have such polar opinions, makes me think he is still justifying his affair, still in the fog a bit. Because doesn’t it sound “better” to say I cheated because I thought we were “over” than to say I cheated because I am a selfish twit? I dunno. Just a thought.

    • DJ says:

      Exactly what I was thinking – he has rewritten the history of your marriage in his mind. It’s a delusion people put over themselves in order to justify an unjustifiable act. All part of affair fog… and for most people it’s really hard to come out of it. I don’t think my husband ever really has.

      When we have talked about it, he seems to realize the situation, but then he goes back to affair fog thinking again. In my case, the affair lasted six years so the delusional thinking may take that long to erase.

      • Abso-fucking-lutely, DJ! Justification for my infidelity. I hurt him, so he hurt me. But, I really wondered if it was his ticket out of the marriage. Probably. He wasn’t happy. But, did he really see us as divorced. Did he really see his life 2 years from now? I’m not really sure.

    • Thank you, Grace — I believe that is the case, too! I think it’s a mix of fog rattled brain and ego. Selfishness is absolutely a trait of cheaters. I know I was a very selfish bitch during mine and I see that so clearly now. Crystal clear.

  4. Super Awesome keeping your cool! I find that is one of the hardest things to do in my situation. Wow it is a total mind fuck to hear why they did what they did. It also is crazy to know how each other viewed the relationship.

    M and I both had pent up resentments but he went completely off the grid falling for such a horrid woman. Seriously at least these chics try to keep their distance at least to an extent.

    M’s AP will do your dishes, bake you snacks, pretend she loves you and your husband. At least EB knows to keep her distance. By her still working with him only shows what kind of people you are dealing with. The type of people who just move on from things with such an inept for others emotions. Which seem to be the kind who get into affairs.

    They have that ability to just shut it down and not care.

    Here’s to getting EB off your brain. What a complete waste of space.

    You are too amazing to even let that skank bother you. Seems like J feels the same too.

    EB seems to be a sick twisted memory of J’s that he would like to just put it behind him. Doesn’t seem like he glamorizes his affair with her or relishes in causing you pain.

    Unless he does and then by all means give J fucking hell!!!

    Have a fabulous Friday 🙂

  5. Gobsmacked says:

    I had to use gobsmacked as my name…you’re right, it’s a perfect description! I hate that you are going through this pain. Your post reminded me so much of my situation. I am only 7 months out from Dday after finding out about my husband’s EA with a co-worker. She lives on the other side of the state, thank God, so their relationship was all over the phone (except when they saw each other about once a month, and usually that was an overnight stay for him, with dozens of other coworkers around). I have no way to monitor if he is still talking to her at work. He was really good for the first month or two, although he maintained adamantly that they were “just friends” (although they have so much in common and he looked forward to talking to her every day…She must be good at giving ego kibbles.) I don’t call 800 minutes a month of talking on the phone for a year and a half (and while on family vacations) and deleting the evidence every day before he came home “just friends”, but whatever. My opinion on that is apparently irrelevant. Here’s the thing, three weeks ago he FLIPPED. He has totally rewritten the history of our entire marriage, 15 years. He says it’s always been bad, there is not hope, it’s not fixable, he’s not going to work on it, our marriage is not sustainable and he didn’t love me and hasn’t for about 10 years, maybe know how it goes. We have two young children together so neither of us is going to leave. But he is just being CRUEL to me now, to the point where he just ignores me if I speak. I think he refuses to look in the mirror and is blaming me instead. We’ve sure had our problems, but not like this. It’s crazy. I have apologized a million times for my part in our marriage problems and made the changes to prove it. Him, not so much. I am starting counseling for myself, and doing other things. I know what I’m supposed to do, and I admire you for keeping your cool. I suck at that, but I now realize every time I lose it I am pushing him further away and justifying his false reality. How to handle it day by day sounds easier than it is when you are living in the moment. If part of moving past this means I have to stay quiet, how does my pain heal? I’m afraid resentment will just build up worse. My friends are telling me I should go talk to a lawyer just in case (I’m the breadwinner). I gather it’s somewhat normal for them to do this; I guess my question is, do they ever snap out of this? Sorry for the long post…and thank you so much for sharing your stories. It’s comforting to know I’m not the only one.

    • They can move past it, they can come back to reality…but it ain’t easy. My husband struggled for about a month after Dday but then the true colors of the other woman in his case…damn I tried the whore, the Whore’s true colors showed and it was him being Godsmacked with two large thighs and a restraining order, cleared the fog and gave him 20/20 vision.

      My opinion? And mind you I know I’m not always sane, you will know in your heart what is right for you. When you find the right path it will give you peace, it will still hurt, still be hard, still make you feel insane but you will feel at peace with your decision.

      Your husband does need to either wake up or get to walking, he can’t be emotionally abusive or an asshole forever and expect you to accept it.

      My two cents 🙂

      • Thanks for the reply! I’ve been reading some blogs for a few months now and know many of your stories. It does give me strength to know I’m not alone. I admire every single one of you who is a step ahead of me, and I hope to get there one day myself. In the meantime, I’ll keep reading and learning from everyone. I just wish y’all didn’t have to be the trailblazers for me. Hugs.

  6. So proud you asked him your questions, wish he could have provided you with the answers you needed.

    Bad thing? I don’t think men react the same way women do. As women we think with our hearts and emotions they think with their heads (both of them) instead.

    Now I don’t trust the skany whore, she stays for a reason and he is either in denial or lying. Either way smack him for me 😉 If something doesn’t change? Maybe a woman to whore talk needs to happen? In person and quietly, just to let her know your feelings.

    Hugs my brave ballsy friend

  7. I don’t think there is a single one of us that will ever get to know the WHOLE TRUTH! Oh some will try to give as much as possible but I don’t think that they could ever be totally honest. It’s something you have to learn to accept as a betrayed. Actions/behavior!, it’s all in their actions and behaviors, not the things they say (or better stated as they’re more believable if their actions match their words). Or always remember the kernel of truth theory. I’ve found it very applicable, find the kernel of truth and weed out the rest. Not always easy!

  8. Gobsmacked says:

    So happy for you!! But how did you manage to stick around that long? I know healing takes forever, but where did you find the patience? My husband’s mindfuckery has gotten even worse since my post. It’s crazy. No, scratch that. He is. I read something the other day where the WS rewrote the history of the marriage. Then he realized that the only reason she stuck around was because of their history. And he erased it, and of course, became a unicorn. I’m jealous. I can’t figure out if my husband really decided our marriage was over years ago (hence, he really didn’t have an affair, since it was over in his mind, and therefore has zero remorse), or if he’s too weak to face his actions and do the work. (He’s a borderline narcissist, only child, and lacks empathy.) I am scared to take any action, mostly because of our young kids. I KNOW I don’t deserve this, but what if I make my decision to divorce based on the fact that he’s a chicken shit, and he would have come around if I’d given it some time? What if I bail too soon? I am starting to think he really does hate me and is just being cruel to force me into action so he doesn’t have to be the bad guy. Because really, it’s never their fault. The cold truth is that reality is staring me in the face and I keep turning my head. My husband has not once given me any reason to hope for better things. Example: He said our marriage isn’t sustainable. But he won’t leave. Question: So why were you saying 4 months ago you just wanted to see me smile again? To assuage your guilt? (I was too shocked to ask that out loud, unfortunately.) A few days ago he refused to give me his computer password, and I’m starting to suspect more lies. I’m scared to death to make a move. I’m scared for my family. Why did you stay? How do you know when it’s time to be the bad guy, when you really don’t want to? Most of all, why do I still love him and want this marriage to work, when he so obviously doesn’t? A friend told me that this is the age old story of women….we put up with an awful lot of shit for our kids. Do I just put on my happy face? Because I have no proof of a sexual affair, it makes the decision that much harder, and I know he would completely mindfuck our kids as to the real ‘why’? I used to be such a strong person….

    • Gobsmacked, I’m sorry he’s being such a tool to you!

      I want you to take a step back and look at his actions at face value. Regarding his hiding his computer login/pw – that is screaming deception in my mind. His lack of active healing is also an indicator.

      Advice, hire a PI if you can and see what’s he’s up to if you can’t get access to his online accounts. There are a few on these blogs that are damn good at electronic surveillance and may have pointers.

      Honestly, your fear in your post, your sadness upsets me and I want to hit your husband upside the head (or kick him between you know what!) to wake him up to what he could lose in you!

      Do something. Don’t ignore it by turning your head. That voice inside is screaming at you. It’s time to listen to it. You are stronger than you think. Don’t setting for deception. You are worth far more than that! xxoo

    • OMG-Gobsmackex our stories sound very smiliar- I mean its uncanny. I am to the point since we are actually doing much better lately -except for the fact that he still denies ever having sex with her (despite circumstantial evidence to contrary) but as much as Iwant to know the truth – I forgave for the past. Its the present I worry about -he says no contact but as long as emotional affair was going on -i just finding it hard to believe. Its easy because of job to keep it hidden from me. I just want to know that he really has given her up otherwise im just wasting my time. I wont live in a triangle. If down the road I find out he is – I cant be responsible for my actions-shame on you if fool me once shame on me if you fool me twice- and im libel to do something crazy!

  9. I’m so glad I found your blog. You write, talk and think like me and I need a little company. Even if I wish you weren’t in the “club”. Tonight i feel less lonely. Thank you.

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